Sunday, September 7, 2008

that if

you lick it, it's yours. just ask the volkswagen guy... so I licked. (the boat not the paper.. :)

having a science birthday party is

FUN!!! and Hard work.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Nitric acid and hydrochloric acid make....... aqua regia

Usually this is in a 1:3 mixture.

FUn Fact: It is one of the few reagents that dissolves gold and platinum. It was so named because it can dissolve the so-called royal, or noble metals, although tantalum, iridium, and a few other metals are able to withstand it. (from wikipedia, but I read it in a book last night!)

Friday, August 29, 2008

That writing a childrens book is...

...easier than illustrating one.

Tonight the First Edition copies (5 printed) of Cat Dog Turtle Frog's first adventure is on view at the Art Academy of Cincinnati's Chidlaw Gallery. Please come down and enjoy all the work that myself and other AAC students worked on this summer.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kombucha Tea!

Today I was gifted my first Kombucha mushroom thing. (Thank you very much Katherine, cross your fingers I can figure this out!) The recipe is from Laurel Farms and I will keep y'all posted as to how my first batch is coming along. I start tomorrow.

What makes this such a discovery? Well, at the store, it is about $3.99 per bottle. (A little hefty.) So making any amount at home is worth its weight (and work). Oh, and it helps align your body juices, and who bunch of other good stuff.

Ode to IKEA!

Remi really wanted a bed from IKEA for his birthday. So Grandmother Nana drove out to the much northern city of West Chester, and picked one up. It only took me a few hours to put it together and I had fun! So tonight, I cooked myself a proper swedish meal. Svensk Kottbullar med scallad potatis och en salad. (Swedish meatballs with boiled potatoes and a salad. (all organic produce too! yummmm) I even have swedish mustard, and a little glass of light beer. Now I just have to wait for Sven to show up to help build us a Bastu (sauna). "Wouldn't that be great!"

Saturday, August 23, 2008

That I have little patients for...

drawing. But I must do what I can, when I can, and do it anyway. This is for the Calvary Auction. It still need to add color, but that will happen tomorrow in the AM in the bright sun light of the morning.

*** ALSO Tip for the day: The IKEA store in West Chester, Ohio sends people home to come back the next day if a product is out of stock at the pull out locations. So, even if you can see what you want on a higher skid, its not coming down until the next day. The forklifts only work on during non-business hours for safety purposes. I still say MER.

Yeast in the Kitchen... I won.

This week I have been determined to make bread, dough, and crackers from scratch.  I have already conquered pasta.  The pasta was easy, especially with my pasta maker, and very simple (Durham Wheat & H2O or Flour & Egg!).   

So, first I made Rye Crisp Crackers. (From the Gourmet Cookbook)

Then I moved onto pizza...  This is a Chicken and Pepper Pizza.  (Crust also from the Gourmet Cookbook)

I have also worked on focaccia, and savory biscuits.   Yum!  Please let me know if you want any of these recipes.  I will post.  They are all very easy.  What I have found to be most difficult, is the yeast.  I had no thermometer or mother to show me the way, so I have been experimenting.